Corporate members of the Sustainable Aviation Buyers Alliance (SABA) have committed to purchasing sustainable aviation fuel certificates (SAFc) for nearly...
RSB and Air bp announced their partnership in a sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) book and claim pilot earlier this year...
US to pump $4.3 billion in funding towards SAF production goal of 3 billion gallons per year by 2030
US government departments and agencies have joined with the aviation and fuel sectors to agree a stimulus package to put...
US Democrat Senator Sheldon Whitehouse has introduced a new bill, the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Act, that sets a goal of...
A group of America’s most prominent companies have become founder members of a partnership set up to drive investment in...
ICAO’s governing Council has adopted decisions on eligible carbon emissions units and sustainability certification schemes for eligible fuels that the...
US environmental groups say the proposal by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to adopt the ICAO CO2 standards for aircraft...